Stan Stroh

Artist Statement

Making art is a discovery for me. I don’t work from a priori notion but rather am led by the unconscious impulse of tapping into what’s going on for me personally. As for many artists, this process allows us to be the mediators between the known and the unknown.

My most recent drawings, paintings, and sculptures are works about bundling; and entanglement of emotions inherent in relationships. Things are tied together, pulled away, sometimes probing, sometimes learning, and sometimes falling apart.

My illustrations function differently than my paintings and sculptures. Illustrating and storytelling are a way to communicate to an audience – both to children and to that child in all of us. My stories of Freddie and Zoe are written and illustrated specifically for my daughters. I entertained. We connected in an imaginary world that felt playful and absurd.

Drawing seems intimidating for many and that starts at early childhood. I’ve yet to meet a student who hasn’t grown or improved. I don’t measure one student against the other. I would ask them to do the same. Each of us brings a unique hand, or personal imprint on the page and the world. Van Gogh had essentially a “clumsy” hand if you compare it to the breadth taking touch of Leonardo Da Vinci,  But oh what a clumsy hand indeed. He could feel, touch and get the essence of certain things in nature and make the ephemeral solid like no other. So, students can learn or get inspired from one another but never to diminish their own talents which for one reason or another brought them to this class.