Serger Training Workshop – FULL

  • Dates: Friday, February 14 (1 Day), 9:00am-12:00pm
  • Tuition: $25 (includes supplies)
  • Instructor: Lily Bell

This workshop will help you become confident on serger sewing machines which will expand your sewing skills and fabric use options. Over the course of three hours you will become familiar with all of the common issues that arise when using the machine and learn to troubleshoot them successfully.

We will go over what all of the settings are and what they do, and you will get to try the machine on a variety of fabric types.

You will learn how to thread the machine correctly, learn which threads serve which purpose, and how to use tension, stitch length, blade position, and the differential feed to create different effects.

Using a serger is a wonderful way to level up your sewing skills and if you have basic sewing skills on a regular sewing machine you are definitely ready to learn how to use the serger!