Introduction to Spinning – FULL

  • Dates: Thursday, 7:15-9:15pm, 10 Weeks
  • Tuition: $90
  • Instructor: Deanna Moore

Introduction to Spinning (Wheel)

Spinning fiber from plants and animals into useful threads is one of our most ancient human technologies. The oldest examples of fibers spun into yarn and woven into cloth, for example, date back 100,000 years. And this technology is still relevant today! Yarn and thread are still used to create modern textiles and there is a continued interest in knitting, weaving, and many other textile arts. Many people want to learn to start with the raw materials to spin their own yarn for their textile purposes.

Over the 10 weeks, this course will provide and deepen students’ understanding of how to use a spinning wheel to make the yarn they want based on its intended use.

Homework exercises will be provided for those who desire to strengthen skills between classes.

Students may provide their own spinning wheel or they can borrow one from the school**. Students are expected to provide most of the fiber that they will use during the course. Some fiber will be provided by the instructor for a small fee.

**In order to borrow a wheel from Hill Institute, a student must complete a Borrower’s Agreement Form and provide a $100 deposit in the form of a check payable to Hill Institute.